2008年9月17日 星期三

About me

My name is Susan and my nickname is White Cat.

I love exercise, especially volley ball. I had attended the school team when I was a eletary school student. I also like to read in my leisure time, such as articles, novels or comics. I seldom writing in English on the internet. Mostly, I always writing in Chinese to express my feeling or life.

My English writting is not so good, so that I want to improve my ability in writting class. Now I will try my best to memorize more vocabulary and familier with all the grammer.

I wish I could use English earsily than ever.

2 則留言:

  1. Hi, Susan.
    I come to visit your blog! You've already typed a lot of topics, I can't read over at one time. From above you typed, I don't think your English is bad. You just write often and practice often, I believe that one day you can use English easily and fluently!

  2. Thank you. I both wish you and I could use Eglish easily and fluently!
